
Old screensavers swirl rainbow mac
Old screensavers swirl rainbow mac

old screensavers swirl rainbow mac

It's totally retro, but at this point, also fairly nostalgic.

old screensavers swirl rainbow mac

The fractals were hilariously chunky and slow. Of course, you were limited to pretty chunky graphics, nothing like the fluid motion and gradations you can get now. They would stall out briefly, and parts of one screensaver would get sucked into another, bleed through, etc. If you included the slideshow, you got some crazy results, especially because the graphics chips would kind of choke on the mixes. The coolest thing about After Dark, which I still don't see today, although you could do it in After Effects (sort of) was the Multimodule, where you could layer 3 or 4 screensavers into one another in different shapes. I just looked AFD up on Wikipedia, and you should check it out. The weird thing is that AFD did update the complexity of the modules, and stored the older ones in a different folder. You actually need a G3 to run the mainline AFD version, though maybe a G4 ran AFD 4.0. I had a G4 dual 530mhz? that wouldn't install pre OS 9.1. This was when you needed the floppy disks to install it. Maybe a later version did run (4.0), but somewhere around this time, After Dark stopped existing and I didn't pay for the upgrade, so I stopped at 3.0. You have to find a computer than runs UNDER 9.1 because for some reason, After Dark stopped working at that point.

Old screensavers swirl rainbow mac